Laphroaig (uttales ‘la-froyg) er et skotsk single malt whisky-merke. Laphroaig-destilleriet er lokalisert på øya Isle of Islay på Skottlands vestkyst. Laphroaig regnes for å være en av whiskyene med kraftigst smak. Laphroaig lagres på fat 10, 15, 30 eller 40 år før den tappes på flasker og selges. Andre årganger og tapninger kan forekomme. En andel av Laphroaig selges også til produksjon av blended whisky.
Blant whisky-skribenter har den ord på seg for å være en ”Elsk den eller hat den-whisky”, og ord som brukes til å beskrive den er medisinaktig, fenol og tang, salt og olje, gasbind og munnskyllevann. Årsaken til den jodaktige tangkarakteren skal ligge både i at Laphroaig benytter torvleier på Islay som ingen andre destillerier har tilgang til, og at det henter vannet fra sin egen dam i Kilbridge-elven.
At de kun benytter små destilleringsapparater og at deres modningslagre ligger så å si i fjæresteinene er nok også med på å gi denne whiskyen en ekstrem kompleksitet og mange mener at ingen skotsk whisky er mer egnet som «nightcap» enn Laphroaig.
Navnet Laphroaig er antagelig av gælisk og norrøn opprinnelse og betyr «Den vakre dalen ved den vide bukta» («-phroaig» tilsvarende «breivik»). Destilleriet ble grunnlagt i 1815 av brødrene Donald og Alex Johnston. I 1847 falt Donald ned i et whiskyfat og druknet, noe som også i whiskymiljøet må betraktes som et svært uvanlig dødsfall…
Brødrene Alexander og Donald Johnston etablerer Laphroaig i 1810. I 1837 kjøper Donald ut Alexander, men Donald dør i en ulykke på destilleriet i juni 1847. Donalds sønn Dungald er på det tidspunktet bare 11 år gammel. Manageren på nabodestilleriet, Lagavulin, Walter Graham, fungerer som en formynder, og leier destilleriet for en periode, til Dungald blir myndig. I 1857 er Johnston-familien tilbake i føringen. Etter å ha vært en ren familiebedrift i over 100 år, etableres D Johnston & Company i 1950.
Da Donald dør i 1847 blir Lagavulin salgsagent for all whisky fra Laphroaig. Dette er en ordning som videreføres da Dungald overtar kontrollen av destilleriet i ti år senere. Avtalen sies opp av nye eiere i 1907, på et tidspunkt da Dungalds svigerbror Alex dør, etter å ha styrt destilleriet. Lagavulin skal ha hatt veldig gode betingelser, og det tas ut stevning mot Lagavulin som taper rettsaken. Peter Mackie eier Lagavulin, og blir så sint at han stenger av vannforsyningen til Laphroaig. Dermed blir det ny rettsak, og Laphroaig vinner nok en gang. Peter Mackie gjør senere to forsøk på å kjøpe Laphroaig når leiekontrakten på eiendommen skal fornyes. Med god hjelp fra sin nye salgsagent, Robertson & Baxter, klarer Laphroaig å nedkjempe Peter Mackie.
Destilleriet kommer ut av Johnston-familiens kontroll i 1967 da Seager Evans & Company kjøper Laphroaig gjennom Long John Distillery. I 1989 overtar Allied Distillers Laphroaig, og i 1991 er Laphroaig en av fire whiskyer når de lanserer Caledonian Malts som et motsvar til Diageos Classic Malts.
Som et ledd i handelen hvor Pernod Ricard kjøper Allied Distillers i 2005, selger de Laphroaig og Ardmore til Beam Global Wine & Spirits (Fortune Brands) for å finansiere kjøpet av Allied.
Destilleriet reklamerer med at de er «The world’s most richly flavoured Scotch whisky», og sier «Love it, or hate it» når de reklamerer for whiskyen sin. Det har også gjort at Laphroaig har fått omtale som en skikkelig mannfolkwhisky med alle de fordommene det innebærer å påstå noe slikt. Den er intenst røyk- og sjøpreget med medisinale toner, selv om kjennere påstår at standardtapningen har blitt snillere med årene.
Laphroaig har eget gulvmalteri, og de to gulvene kan holde 7 tonn malt hver, men det utgjør bare 20 % av destilleriets behov for malt. Tidligere ble malten peattørket i 13 timer, etterfulgt av 18 timers varmluft-tørking. Det ga et ppm-nivå på 43 ppm. Nå har de 18 timers peattørking og 15 timer varmlufttørking som gir et ppm-nivå på 50-55 ppm på malten.
Resten av malten får de fra Port Ellen Maltings, og den holder et ppm-nivå på 40 ppm. Dette resulterer i et ppm-nivå på 25 ppm i den ferdige spriten.
Laphroaig er det eneste destilleriet på Islay som har washbacks i rustfrutt stål, og de bruker hovedsakelig gamle bourbonfat fra Heaven Hill og Maker’s Mark til lagring.
Laphroaig 10 years old
Laphroaig 10 years old Cask Strength
Laphroaig 10 years old Cask Strength Batch 001
Laphroaig 10 years old Cask Strength Red Stripe
Laphroaig 15 years old
Laphroaig 17 years old OMC
Laphroaig 18 years old
Laphroaig 1987 21 years old Old Malt Cask
Laphroaig 1990 16 years old Cadenheads
Laphroaig 1990 18 years old Berrys’ Own Selection
Laphroaig 1991 12 years old Old Malt Cask
Laphroaig 1992 12 years old Old Malt Cask
Laphroaig 1992 15 years old Old Malt Cask
Laphroaig 1996 10 years old SMWS
Laphroaig 1996 11 years old SMWS
Laphroaig 2000 7 years old
Laphroaig 2001 7 years old Un-Chillfiltered Collection
Laphroaig 21 yo Sherry Old & Rare
Laphroaig Quarter Cask
Laphroaig leverer en rekke forskjellige tapninger, hvorav flere er tilgjengelig i Norge:
Laphroaig 10 years old 40 %
Laphroaig 10 years old Cask Strength, 55,7 %
Laphroaig Quarter Cask, 48 %, 6-8 år gammel whisky som har fått sluttlagring på fat av 1/4-dels størrelse, noe som gjør at modningen går raskere enn ved lagring på fat av normal størrelse.
Laphroaig 15 years old, 43 %
Laphroaig 25 years old, 40 %
«There are 3 main ingredients for making Laphroaig – Barley, Water, and Yeast, but the secret ingredient is the People.»
Laphroaig (La-froyg) is the story of a community. An uncompromising, tough and determined group of people who work to ensure that this defining whisky has always remained true to its origins.
These origins can be found in Islay itself – its harsh climate and tough landscape have created a hardy people whose single-mindedness and honesty is as distinctive as Laphroaig.
Take it neat or with a splash of soft water. Roll it around on your tongue. Release the pungent, earthy aroma of the blue peat smoke, the sweet nuttiness of the barley and the delicate, heathery perfume of Islay’s streams. Like the islanders it may seem a little aloof at first, but make the effort, broach acquaintance and we can guarantee you’ll have a warm and genuine friend for life.
The award winning family of Laphroaig Whiskies ranges from the rich, pungent 10 Year Old to the smooth and exceptionally rare 40 Year Old. But whatever Laphroaig you choose, you can sense 200 years of loving care distilled into every bottle.
We have always considered Laphroaig the best single malt in the World. In 2005 we were proud to be voted ‘the best of the best’ in the Champions of Whisky Competition – so now it’s official!
Laphroaig 10 Year Old
Laphroaig 10 Year Old is an all-malt Scotch Whisky from the remote island of Islay in the Western Isles of Scotland. Laphroaig, pronounced «La-froyg», is a Gaelic word meaning «the beautiful hollow by the broad bay».
In making Laphroaig, malted barley is dried over a peat fire. The smoke from this peat, found only on Islay, gives Laphroaig its particularly rich flavour.
Laphroaig is best savoured neat, or with a little cool water. Roll it around on your tongue. Release the pungent, earthy aroma of blue peat smoke, the sweet nuttiness of the barley, the delicate heathery perfume of Islay’s streams. It is as unique as the island itself.
COLOUR : Full sparkling gold
NOSE: Huge smoke, seaweedy, «medicinal», with a hint of sweetness
BODY: Full bodied
PALATE: Suprising sweetness with hints of salt and layers of peatiness
FINISH: Lingering
2011 SF World Spirits Competition – Double Gold medal
2010 International Wine & Spirit Competition – Silver Medal
2010 SF World Spirits Competition – Double Gold medal
2009 SF World Spirits Competition – Gold medal
2008 IWSC – Silver Medal and ‘Best in Class’
2008 SF World Spirits Competition – Gold medal
2007 International Wine and spirits Competition – Gold (Best in Class)
2007 ISC (International Spirits Challenge) – Gold medal
2007 International Review of Spirits (BTI) – Silver medal
2007 San Francisco World Spirits Competition – Gold medal
2006 International Wine and spirits Competition, Gold, Best in Class
2006 San Francisco World Spirits Competition – Double-Gold award
2005 Malt Maniacs Awards – Silver Medal «A peat monster that takes no prisoners»
2005 IWSC – Silver Medal and ‘Best in Class’
2004 International Spirits Challenge – Silver Medal
2003 International Spirits Challenge – Silver Medal
2003 International Spirits Challenge- Gold Medal
2001 International Spirits Challenge – Gold Medal
2000 International Spirits Challenge – Gold Medal
2000 International Wine & Spirit Competition – Gold Medal
1999 International Wine & Spirit Competition – Gold Medal
1998 International Wine & Spirit Competition – Best Single Malt Scotch Whisky under 12 Years Old
1998 International Wine & Spirit Competition – Gold Medal
Laphroaig Cask Strength
The Purists Choice
Awarded Best Single Malt in the World in 2005 by Whisky Magazine, Original Cask Strength Laphroaig is bottled at natural distillery strength with all the depth of genuine taste and texture normally associated with sampling whisky at source.
We mature Laphroaig in seasoned oak barrels, charred before filling to impart a slight sweet vanilla nuttiness. Original Cask Strength Laphroaig is barrier-filtered only just, to remove the small char particles present. This means you will enjoy Laphroaig exactly as we made it. In extremes of temperature and when you add water it may appear a little cloudy – this is the natural condition of a malt of such a peaty pungence and uncompromising purity.
Adding a little water releases a rich aroma of peat smoke with some sweetness and strong hints of the sea.
Emphatic, full bodied and utterly unforgettable. Simply ‘The Best’.
COLOUR : Rich deep gold
NOSE: Very powerful, «medicine», smoke, seaweed and ozone characters overlaying a sweetness
BODY: Full and strong
PALATE: A massive peated burst of flavour with hints of sweetness at the end
FINISH: Long and savoury
2011 SF World Spirits Competition – Double Gold medal
2010 International Wine & Spirit Competition – Gold Medal Best in Class
2010 SF World Spirits Competition – Gold Medal
2008 IWSC – Silver Medal and ‘Best in Class’
2008 SF World Spirits Competition – Double Gold
2007 ISC (International Spirits Challenge) – Silver
2007 Intl wine and spirits Competition – Gold
2007 International Review of Spirits (BTI) – Gold
2007 San Francisco World Spirits Competition – Gold medal
2006 Intl wine and spirits Competition, Gold, Best in Class
2006 Trophy Award, Best Cask Strength, Intl wine and spirits Competition
2006 San Francisco World Spirits Competition – Double-Gold award
2005 MALT MANIACS AWARDS – BANG-FOR-YOUR-BUCK AWARD (And perhaps even more importantly, came second overall in the ‘Best to worst’ scheme of the competition, coming second only to the Laphroaig 31-year-old winning the Gold medal.)
2005 Whisky Magazine Champions of Whisky – Best Scottish Single Malt
2005 San Francisco World Spirits Competition – Gold Medal
2004 San Francisco World Spirits Competition – Double-Gold award
2004 San Francisco World Spirits Competition – Double-Gold award
2003 International Spirits Challenge – Gold Medal
2003 International Spirits Challenge – Gold Medal
2001 International Wine & Spirit Competition – Gold Medal
Laphroaig Quarter Cask
Laphroaig Quarter Cask takes its inspiration from the small casks often used for Scotch Whisky in the 19th century and frequently transported across the Glens by packhorse.
As the industry grew, they fell into disuse – bigger and more cost effective barrels became the norm, for maturation and transportation.
However as single malt lovers may know, the relationship between the barrels and the maturing spirit is critical. We noted that the small cask size gives up to 30% greater contact with the wood compared to some of the larger sizes used today, thus greatly intensifying the maturation process.
It was decided to recreate some of the Quarter Casks and the flavours they produce. We transferred some still maturing Laphroaig from our larger style barrels into the Quarter Casks. There then followed a further periods of maturation in our original Dunnage Warehouse No1.
For greater authenticity we simply barrier filtered the whisky – the method used in those far off days – and bottled at a higher alcoholic strength.
The result surprised and delighted us. The additional oak influence creates a soft sweetness and velvety feel when first tasted, then the intense peatiness so unique to Laphroaig, comes bursting through. The finish is very long and alternates between the sweetness and the peat.
COLOUR: Full sparkling gold
NOSE: Burning embers of peat in a crofters fireplace, hints of coconut and banana aromas
BODY: Full bodied
PALATE: Deep, complex and smoky yet offers and surprises the palate with a gentle sweetness
FINISH: Really long, and dries appropriately with smoke and spice
2011 SF World Spirits Competition – Gold Medal
2010 International Wine & Spirit Competition – Gold Medal
2010 SF World Spirits Competition – Silver Medal
2009 SF World Spirits Competition – Silver Medal
2008 IWSC (Internation Wine & Spirits Competition) – Gold medal (Best in class)
2008 SF World Spirits Competition – Silver medal
2007 ISC (International Spirits Challenge) – Silver medal
2007 IWSC (Internation Wine & Spirits Competition) – Gold medal (Best in class)
2007 International Review of Spirits (BTI) – Gold medal
2007 SF World Spirits Competition – Silver medal
2006 Quality Drinks Awards Platinum Q Award
2006 San Francisco World Spirits Competition, double-gold award.
2005 Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible – 95 points out of 100
2005 MALT MANIACS AWARDS – DAILY DRAM AWARD “…its average score simply puts it so far ahead of any other candidate that we just had to give this award to the ‘Quarter’.”
2005 International Wine & Spirit Competition – Silver Medal and Best in Class (Single malt – Islay)
18 year old
This 18 year old expression of Laphroaig is made in limited quantities each year and savoured by a fortunate few. A soft, sweet and spicy Islay peat smoke greets you when you first open the bottle. The immediate taste is an oak sweetness, from 18 years in the barrel. A faint hint of the sea can be detected, testimony to its time maturing on the remote island of Islay.
Bottled at 48% ABV and non-chill filtered for a depth of taste and texture.
COLOUR : Bright Gold
NOSE: At bottling strength, a soft toffee sweet but faintly spicy flavour counterbalances the trace of delicate phenols and fruit. An all encompassing smoothness brings these together. A touch of water allows the seaweed and salt to come through but not enough to overpower the vanilla and honey sweetness with just a trace of new mown hay and peat at the finish.
BODY: An intense depth that is exceptionally balanced and warming.
PALATE: An instant warming tang of smoke fades into smooth floral scents, which blends seamlessly into an oaky nuttiness and leaves a lasting sweetness on the taste. With a touch of water, the peaty warmth fills the mouth but does not overshadow the sweet chocolate smoothness. This is balanced by the rich toffee taste and slowly fades into a delicate hint of heather and peat smoke.
FINISH: Full bodied, long with a luxurious oily smoothness.
2011 SF World Spirits Competition – Double Gold medal
2010 International Wine & Spirit Competition – Gold Medal Best in Class
2010 – SF World Spirits Competition – Silver medal
2009 – SF World Spirits Competition – Silver medal
Laphroaig 25 year old
Laphroaig 25 year old has been lovingly created by marrying Laphroaig that has been matured in Oloroso Sherry casks with Laphroaig that has been matured in ex-American Bourbon Barrels; both were filled with newly distilled Laphroaig spirit from day one.
When you marry together the sherried, oaky flavours from the 2nd fill European Oak Oloroso Sherry Casks with the creamy, smooth, sweet flavours from the ex American Oak Bourbon barrels you end up with a marriage made in heaven that’s called Laphroaig 25 Years Old. Bottled at 40% ABV, it is a perfect fusion of these two most different styles of maturation flavours, made even smoother by the 25 years it has had gently maturing.
COLOUR : Bright Red Gold
NOSE: At bottling strength the aroma seems quite closed giving only a rich, sweet scent but a touch of water releases all the multitude of different flavours. The initial sweet, sherry sweetness is quickly followed but the time-honoured Islay peat tang. After this opening burst of flavour there is a smooth fruit ripeness that complements the tang of salt in the background.
BODY: Rich round and full.
PALATE: The burst of peat that fills the mouth is quickly restrained by a sherry sweetness that slowly develops into spicy apple fruitiness.
FINISH: Very long and warming leaving a distinct tang of Islay.
2010 International Wine & Spirit Competition – Gold Medal Best in Class
Laphroaig Triple wood
This expression of our famous whisky, from the remote island of Islay in the Western Isles of Scotland, has enjoyed a triple maturation in 3 types of cask. Just as with our standard Quarter Cask expression, the first maturation is in American oak, ex-bourbon barrels. We then select the most suitable of these barrels, containing a range of different aged spirit and transfer into small 19th century style Quarter Casks for a second maturation. The final maturation is in specially selected, large European oak, Oloroso sherry casks.
COLOUR: Bright gold
NOSE: At 48%, straight from the bottle, the initial flavour is quite sweet with a gentle mixture of sweet raisins and creamy apricots with just a trace of the dry peat smoke at the back, the smoother nutty flavours combine all these flavours into one smooth, syrupy whole. With a touch of water the peat smoke comes to the fore and masks the gentler fruitier notes. Even with the maturation being carried out in 1st fill bourbons, quarter casks and sherry butts, the intense bonfire ash smell of the earthy peat cannot be masked
BODY: Powerful yet with a creamy consistency
PALATE: With no water, a large initial burst of peat belies the slight lack on the nose but is gentled on the tongue by the creamier flavours of vanilla and fruit with just a suggestion of sherry sweetness. With a trace of water the peat reek is gentled, allowing the more complex flavours of citrus fruits and spices to come through. A slight tang comes from the European Oak balancing the creamier American White Oak
FINISH: Mouth filling and extremely long but balanced by the sweet smooth caramel taste
Laphroaig PX Cask
PX Cask is the first to enjoy maturation in Pedro Ximenez sherry casks, widely referred to as “PX” casks. Pedro Ximenez sherry is known to be naturally sweet made from dried Pedro Ximenez grapes.
The three types of barrels used in the maturation each impart a subtly different character, from American oak to Quarter Cask to Pedro Ximenez sherry. The last maturation in the ex-PX Cask provides the rich, sweeter and full bodied notes which perfectly complement the peat-smoke tang of Laphroaig, creating an expression which needs to be appreciated over time to fully explore.
Currently only available in Travel Retail.
COLOUR: Antique Gold
NOSE: From the bottle there is a nice sherry aroma of sweet sultanas and raisins with a hint of sweet liquorice and only the slightest tang of peat. Adding a little water brings out the marzipan and almond aroma with a counterpoint of creamy nuts and lots of ripe fruits but again there’s only the slightest tang of peat smoke.
BODY: An intense and profound deepness
PALATE: Without water a massive explosion of peat fills the mouth with huge amounts of oakiness only just moderated by the sweeter heavy sherry flavour. Adding a touch of water only slightly moderates the massive peat reek which very slowly fades and just allows a little of the sweeter sherried flavours to come through although there is always that burst of peat smoke that dries the mouth
FINISH: Concentrated peat and thick sherried oak with a deep dryness
I was pleased that this was the whiksy this time, this is one of my favourite malts. It has a kind of medicinal taste that really sets it apart. I believe it is due to how near the distillery is to the sea; the sea spray affects the taste. Like Marmite, this seems to be one you either love or hate and I really love it. You have to roll this around your mouth to really appreciate the peaty earthy flavours. I give this one 10 out of 10.
Ten-four! Ernst!
Vakkert… vakkert..!
Her mangler bare bakgrunnsmusikk, f.eks: «Also sprach Zarathustra» / 2001 A Space Odyssey»…
All informasjon fra Laphroaig er hentet fra deres hjemmeside